Seniors Rights Service Principal Solicitor, Ken Beilby has been elected by his fellow Board members to the role of Chairperson of Community Legal Centres NSW (CLCNSW)
“It is a great honour to be elected to the role of Chairperson. To be recognised in this way shows my peers have confidence in my experience and leadership,” Ken says.
Over a fulfilling career, beginning in 2001 while still a university law student, Ken has dedicated himself to helping some of our community’s most disadvantaged members through roles within community legal centres across NSW.
Seniors Rights Service is a member of CLCNSW and we were thrilled when Ken joined us as Principal Solicitor in 2022, and he has been at the forefront of our team of solicitors as they advise and represent older people in need. Simultaneous with his work and guidance of our legal team, Ken has been generous to CLCNSW with his time.
Starting in 2013 Ken was elected to join the Board of CLCNSW where he has been an active contributor to a range of working groups and committees, including:
- Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) Network Co-Convenor
- Member of the National PII Network
- Vicarious Trauma Network Co-Convenor
- Ethics, Practice Management, Litigation and Law Reform trainer.
Ken has also been assisting to drive the CLCNSW’s current campaign Save Community Legal Centres: End the funding crisis in New South Wales which seeks a commitment from the NSW government to ensure the community legal centre sector is financed to meet the challenges ahead of it.
This is something Seniors Rights Service understands and supports as demand for CLC services in NSW grew by 24% in the previous financial year.
All of us at Seniors Rights Service know of Ken’s passion and professionalism and so it comes as no surprise that his CLCNSW colleagues have voted him to lead the association through its current campaigns. We know that the vulnerable clients who turn to community legal centres for advice and assistance will have an ally in Ken.
Congratulations Ken on this professional milestone and together with all 41 member of CLCNSW we look forward to working together to improve legal access outcomes for our community’s most vulnerable members.