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LGBTIQ+ Older People

Seniors Rights Service values diversity. Our organisation welcomes all older people across NSW to access our Legal, Advocacy and Information services. We play an active role in delivering services to LGBTIQ+ people.

Legal services

Our legal service provides advice on legal issues to older people in NSW. We also offer a comprehensive referral service. Some additional assistance may be available to financially and socially disadvantaged people. We are a fully accredited community legal centre.

Some of the many issues we advise on:
• Abuse of older people
• Financial exploitation
• Consumer issues
• Planning for later life

Our supported accommodation service provides advice to current, prospective and former residents of retirement villages, aged care facilities, land lease communities, government funded aged care service recipients and boarding house residents on issues arising from disputes or interpretation of contracts.

The strata legal service advises strata residents on any aspect of strata living. We give advice on disputes with the strata committee, owners corporation or strata management agent. We advise on strata collective sales or redevelopment proposals.

If you or someone you know may benefit from our services, call our team on 02 9281 3600

Aged Care Advocacy

Seniors Rights Service provides information and support to people using, or seeking to access, in-home and residential aged care services. Our aged care advocates are located across NSW to provide support for recipients of all Commonwealth funded aged care services.

Our advocates:

  • Listen to your concerns
  • Provide information about rights and responsibilities
  • Help resolve problems or complaints with your aged care service providers
  • Speak with your service provider if required
  • Refer to other agencies where necessary

Seniors Rights Service advocacy work raises consumer issues on behalf of vulnerable older people to government, the aged care system and the community. Our Cultural Safety Plan commits us to ensuring a supportive workplace that respects and values diversity and prevents harassment or discrimination of
any kind.

If you or someone you know may benefit from our services, call our team on 02 9281 3600


We provide information on a range of topics including:

  • The rights of older people
  • How to plan ahead, eg Power of Attorney
  • Retirement village issues
  • Issues in aged and community care
  • Issues faced by older LGBTIG+ people

We provide targeted rights-based information to a diverse range of older people regardless of cultural background or sexual orientation. Our aged care advocates, solicitors and education staff travel across NSW to support aged care recipients and the wider community.

We hold information sessions at community groups, clubs, social and professional groups, aged care homes and retirement villages. We also organise forums and discussion panels. We collaborate with organisations and community groups to develop and implement projects on specific issues relevant to LGBTIQ+ communities.

Request an information session

We listen to the voices of older people from diverse backgrounds so that we can improve our understanding of their specific needs and respond appropriately.

This is information only, not legal advice. If you have a legal problem call our service directly or see your lawyer. Laws may vary from state to state.

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